The Best Gloves for a Dishwashing Job

When you’re a dishwasher, your hands are constantly exposed to hot water. This can wreak havoc on the skin of your hands causing them to dry out, crack, and just be unpleasant to deal with. Wearing a pair of gloves is certainly one way to solve this problem but choosing the wrong pair can slow you down which is deffintely what you want to avoid with a dishwashing job.

In this guide, we’ll first take a look at a few things to consider before purchasing a pair of gloves for a dishwashing job, then we’ll run you through our recommendations.

In a hurry?

If you’re short on time, below you can find our top recommendations for gloves that are perfect for a dishwashing job. (The links will take you to Amazon.)

Things to Consider

Before we take a look at our recommended gloves, there are a few things worth considering:

  • Moistourize your hands – Even if you wear gloves, sweat and moisture will build up in the glove which can dry out your hands. It’s a good idea to keep apply moisturizer regularly to keep the skin on your hands healthy.
  • Choose gloves with good grip and dexterity – You don’t want to be dropping dishes and you don’t want your gloves to be slowing you down either. Make sure you choose grippy gloves that aren’t too thick and restrictive of your movement.
  • Choose elbow high gloves – The last thing you want is for water to start entering the glove and making it soggy inside. A pair of gloves with high elbows will make this less likely to happen and are deffinetely worth it for a dishwashing job.

Best Gloves for a Dishwashing Job

Our Top Pick

#1 Atlas Large Nitrile Gloves

Heavy duty elbow-length gloves with good dexterity and grip

Atlas GLV26 772 Large Nitrile Chemical Resistant Gloves, 25', Yellow, 1-Pair

Overall, the Atlas Large Nitrile Gloves are our top pick for the best gloves for a dishwashing job. They are quite thick and offer good durability. This means they last a fair amount of time and will provide good protection from hot water. You wouldn’t want them any thicker but they aren’t too thick and still offer a reasonably amount of dexterity for washing dishes.

The textured grip will help you keep a firm hold of the dishes too.

These gloves cover your arms all the way up to your elbows so you don’t need to worry about water getting in them.

The downside is they are fairly expensive than other dishwashing gloves, but their durability more than makes up for this.

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Great Value

#2 YSLON Rubber Cleaning Gloves

Great value elbow-length dishwashing gloves

YSLON Rubber Cleaning Gloves Kitchen Dishwashing Glove 3-Pairs,Waterproof Reuseable.(Medium)

The YSLON Rubber Cleaning Gloves are also great and offer good value for money. We chose these gloves for similar reasons to our top pick. They offer good dexterity, a grippy surface, and they are elbow length.

These gloves are quite a bit cheaper than the Atlas gloves so if you get along well with them you can save yourself some money. However, they’re not as heavy duty as the Atlas gloves so they won’t last as long or provide as much protection from hot water.

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